

GUDA EMSexe-500 (For Hatchery)
Mô tả chi tiết

  • GDWT-001+

  • Early mortality Syndrom (EMS), nowadays becomes very common in shrimp culturing, especially in high density cultivated area.  Once outbreak it will cause lots of loss of shrimp farmer and culturing company.  EMS exe-500 is the product which can effectively exempt and suppress the disease.
  1. Exempting the cure of EMS.
  2. Keeping the stability of water quality of the pond.
  3. Increasing the growth rate of shrimp and others.
  4. Increasing the harvest rate.
  • Packing: 8oz/can,6can/ctn

  1. 10 grams per ton of water.
  2. Emergency usage:  (1) 10 grams per ton of water.  (2) Using 10 grams mixed with hatchery feed per kilogram.

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