

Bottom Pro+(For Hatchery)

  • WT-WC001+

  1. To improve digestion and absorption to get the better FCR of feeding.
  2. To reduce the environmental pollution from the cultivation.
  3. To protect the infection from pathogenic bacteria to increase the harvest rate.
  4. It is helpful for decomposing the organism and accumulated sediment in the bottom of the water, for reducing the ammonia, nitrate, BOD and stabilizing DO.
  5. Minimize and inhibit the population and the growth of virus in the pond.
Ingredient:Select high potent strains along with suitable activator. 1 gram of BottomPro contains 2 billion microbials
  • Packing:500g/Can,6Can/CTN

  1. 1kg feed adding with 1g of BottomPro.
  2. Keep the probiotics 3ppm in the water.
  3. The more DO, the better performance, so afternoon would be the best time to use.
  4. The dosage or times can be changed depends on the actual situation.
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